Results for 'Alfredo M. Morelli'

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  1.  30
    CATULLUS 67. O. Portuese Il carme 67 di Catullo. Pp. 417, ills. Cesena: Stilgraf Editrice, 2013. Paper, €39. ISBN: 978-88-96240-39-7. [REVIEW]Alfredo M. Morelli - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):122-124.
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    Investment Decisions, Liquidity, and Institutional Activism: An International Study.Alfredo M. Bobillo, Juan A. Rodriguez Sanz & Fernando Tejerina Gaite - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):25-40.
    The activism of institutional investors tends more and more toward the supervision and control of the behavior of the managers of big companies. In this article, we present a model based on the creation of an activism index that lets us evaluate such activism’s effect on the sensitivity of the investment policies of a company in the face of financial variables (such as cash flow and liquidity ratio) and market variables (ownership concentration and value creation index). To test our assertions, (...)
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    Prolégomènes à une sémantique des conflits sociaux.Alfredo M. Lescano - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    L'analyste des discours qui surgissent au sein de conflits sociaux, de controverses, de débats publics, a souvent le sentiment qu'il n'observe pas des 'camps' correspondant à des groupes d'individus, mais des agencements qui doivent être considérés indépendamment des intentions, des stratégies ou des opinions de ceux qui y sont impliqués. Pour décrire les processus dans lesquels se constituent ces configurations conflictuelles, on fait alors appel à des combinaisons conceptuelles plus ou moins heureuses. À partir de l'hypothèse selon laquelle les conflits (...)
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  4. Algunos aspectos de la doctrina del derecho en Kant.Alfredo M. Egusquiza - 1945 - Mendoza: [Talleres gráficos d'Accurzio].
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    Physique de la beauté.M. Morelly - 1971 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
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    Reflections on the Appropriation of Moral Consciousness.Elizabeth M. Morelli - 1997 - Lonergan Workshop 13:161-188.
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    Recent advances in brain physiology and cognitive processing.Pereira Alfredo Jr, M. A. Pereira & Fábio Augusto Furlan - 2011 - Mens Sana Monographs 9 (1):183-192.
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    Understanding consciousness: A collaborative attempt to elucidate contemporary theories.Alfredo Pereira Jr, J. C. W. Edwards, C. Nunn, A. Trehub & M. Velmans - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (5-6):5-6.
    Nature Network Groups hosted an invited workshop on 'Theories of Consciousness' during the second semester of 2009. There were presentations by each of 15 authors active in the field, followed by debate with other presenters and invitees. A week was allocated to each of the theories proposed; general discussion threads were also opened from time to time, as seemed appropriate. We offer here an account of the principal outcomes. It can be regarded as a contemporary, 'state of the art' snapshot (...)
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    Functional hierarchy of PCNA‐interacting motifs in DNA processing enzymes.Samir M. Hamdan & Alfredo De Biasio - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2300020.
    Numerous eukaryotic DNA processing enzymes, such as DNA polymerases and ligases, bind the processivity factor PCNA, which acts as a platform to recruit and regulate the binding of enzymes to their DNA substrate. Multiple PCNA‐interacting motifs (PIPs) are present in these enzymes, but their individual structural and functional role has been a matter of debate. Recent cryo‐EM reconstructions of high‐fidelity DNA polymerase Pol δ (Pol δ), translesion synthesis DNA polymerase κ (Pol κ) and Ligase 1 (Lig1) bound to a DNA (...)
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  10. In nomine Diaboli: The ideologies of organized crime.Fabio I. M. Poppi & Alfredo Ardila - forthcoming - European Journal of Criminology.
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    Visual, haptic and bimodal scene perception: Evidence for a unitary representation.Helene Intraub, Frank Morelli & Kristin M. Gagnier - 2015 - Cognition 138 (C):132-147.
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    M. Heidegger (2014). Problemas fundamentales de la Fenomenología (1919-1920). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.Alfredo Esteve - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 9:147-153.
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    Early Venetian Painters 1415-1495The Christ Child in Devotional Images in Italy during the 14th CenturyTudor Artists: A Study of Painters in the Royal Service and of Portraiture on Illuminated Documents from the Accession of Henry VIII to the Death of Elizabeth IGiottoDelacroixMonet, Seurat, BonnardVermeer, MatisseRubensMusic in My TimeLiving Crafts. [REVIEW]F. M. Godfrey, Dorothy C. Shorr, Erna Auerbach, Yvon Taillander, Lucy Norton, Rosamund Frost, Anthony Page, Jean Pellotier, Raymond Cogniat, Gaston Diehl, A. Philippe-Lucet, Alfredo Casella, Spencer Norton & G. Bernard Hughes - 1955 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (2):279.
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    Díaz Marsá, M.: "Modificaciones. Ontología crítica y antropología política en el pensamiento de Foucault".Alfredo Sanchez Santiago - 2015 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 48:231-234.
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    The Sexual Ancestor of all Eukaryotes: A Defense of the “Meiosis Toolkit”.Paulo G. Hofstatter, Giulia M. Ribeiro, Alfredo L. Porfírio-Sousa & Daniel J. G. Lahr - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (9):2000037.
    The distribution pattern of the meiotic machinery in known eukaryotes is most parsimoniously explained by the hypothesis that all eukaryotes are ancestrally sexual. However, this assumption is questioned by preliminary results, in culture conditions. These suggested that Acanthamoeba, an organism considered to be largely asexual, constitutively expresses meiosis genes nevertheless—at least in the lab. This apparent disconnect between the “meiosis toolkit” and sexual processes in Acanthamoeba led to the conclusion that the eukaryotic ancestor is asexual. In this review, the “meiosis (...)
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    López Cambronero, M. (2019). La edad virtual. Madrid: Encuentro.Alfredo Esteve Martín - 2022 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 20:277-281.
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    Reseña de Burgos, J.M.; La experiencia integral.Alfredo Esteve Martín - 2018 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 2 (1).
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    Crítica de libros.Ángela Lorena Fuster, Ester Jordana, Matías Sirczuk, José Luis Delgado Rojo, Marina López, Rocío Orsi, Alfredo Bergés, Clara Fernández Díaz-Rincón, Antonio Campillo Meseguer, Fernando Broncano, M. Teresa López de la Vieja & Carmen Rivera Parra - 2013 - Isegoría 49 (49):683-732.
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    George Turnbull, Adam Ferguson, and the Social Value of Knowledge.Alfredo Romagosa - 2021 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 19 (2):125-143.
    The importance of Adam Ferguson as part of the Scottish Enlightenment has been well established, with concentration on his social and political thought. George Turnbull has not been as well studied, but the valuable recent anthology by M. A. Stewart and Paul Wood has incited new interest. This paper selects a narrow aspect of their thought, their views on the social role of knowledge, which show common as well as complementary aspects. As educators who published their enhanced class notes, their (...)
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  20. Husserl on the ego and its eidos (Cartesian Meditations, IV).Alfredo Ferrarin - 1994 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 32 (4):645-659.
    Husserl on the Ego and its Eidos (Cartesian Meditations, IV) ALFREDO FERRARIN THE THEORY OF the intentionality of consciousness is essential for Husserl's philosophy, and in particular for his mature theory of the ego. But it runs into serious difficulties when it has to account for consciousness's transcendental constitution of its own reflective experience and its relation to immanent time. This intricate knot, the inseparability of time and constitution, is most visibly displayed in Husserl's writings from the 192os up (...)
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  21. An Introduction to the History and Sources of Jewish Law.N. S. Hecht, B. S. Jackson, S. M. Passamaneck, Daniela Piattelli & Alfredo Rabello (eds.) - 1996 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press UK.
    Jewish law has a history stretching from the early period to the modern State of Israel, encompassing the Talmud, Geonic and later codifications, the Spanish Golden Age, medieval and modern responsa, the Holocaust and modern reforms. Fifteen distinct periods are separately studied in this volume, each one by a leading specialist, and the emphasis throughout is on the development of the institutions and sources of the law.
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    Essai sur le cœur humain ou Principes naturels de l'education.Etienne-Gabriel Morelly & Morelly-E. - 1745 - Genève: Slatkine Reprints.
    Essai sur le coeur humain, ou Principes naturels de l'education, par M. MorellyDate de l'edition originale: 1745Ce livre est la reproduction fidele d'une oeuvre publiee avant 1920 et fait partie d'une collection de livres reimprimes a la demande editee par Hachette Livre, dans le cadre d'un partenariat avec la Bibliotheque nationale de France, offrant l'opportunite d'acceder a des ouvrages anciens et souvent rares issus des fonds patrimoniaux de la BnF.Les oeuvres faisant partie de cette collection ont ete numerisees par la (...)
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    Apresentação da Tradução Brasileira da Filosofia do Direito de G. W. F. Hegel.Paulo Meneses, Agemir Bavaresco, Alfredo de Oliveira Moraes, Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa, Greice Ane Barbieri & Paulo Roberto Konzen - 2010 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 55 (3):251-258.
    Dados da tradução brasileira de HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Linhas Fundamentais da Filosofia do Direito ou Direito Natural e Ciência do Estado em Compêndio. Tradução, notas, glossário e bibliografia de Paulo Meneses et alli. Apresentações de Denis Lerrer Rosenfield e de Paulo Roberto Konzen. São Paulo: Loyola; São Leopoldo: UNISINOS, 2010.
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    Idel, M., Cábala hebrea y cábala cristiana. Buenos Aires, Editorial Prometeo, 2011, 112 pp. ISBN: 978-98-7574-517-9. [REVIEW]Alfredo Fredericksen Neira - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 26:137-139.
    Reseña de la obra de Idel, M., _Cábala hebrea y cábala cristiana_. Buenos Aires, Editorial Prometeo, 2011, 112 pp. ISBN: 978-98-7574-517-9.
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    Competenza semantica e concetti.Alfredo Paternoster & Cristina Meini - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 34 (34):143-161.
    Introduzione Il problema filosofico centrale di Lexical Competence (Marconi 1997 — i riferimenti che faremo sono relativi all’edizione italiana apparsa due anni dopo) è che cosa distingue la comprensione del linguaggio da parte di un agente umano da quella che potrebbe essere attribuita a un sistema artificiale. Nel rispondere a questa domanda Marconi (d’ora in poi, M.) offre una teoria della conoscenza del significato, descrive cioè in che cosa consiste conoscere il significato delle parole...
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    M. Cabezas (2014). Ética y emoción. El papel de las emociones en la justificación de nuestros juicios morales. Madrid: Plaza & Valdés, Col. Dilemata. [REVIEW]Alfredo Esteve Martín - 2015 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 11:181-186.
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    Towards a science of the individual: the Aristotelian search for scientific knowledge of individual entities.Alfredo Marcos - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 35 (1):73-89.
    This article seeks to take a step towards recognizing that science can deal with the concrete and individual as well as the universal. I shall concentrate on some of Aristotle’s texts, as there is a long tradition going back to Aristotle, according to which science deals only with the universal, although his work also contains texts of a very different tenor. He tries to improve the process of definition as an attempt to bring science closer to the concrete, but ends (...)
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  28. Logica Morelli. Some notes on the semantics of a fifteenth century spanish logic.L. M. de Rijk - 2000 - In I. Angelelli & P. Pérez-Ilzarbe (eds.), Medieval and Renaissance Logic in Spain. G. Olms. pp. 209.
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    MARCOS, ALFREDO; ALONSO, CARLOS J., Un paseo por la ética actual, Digital Reasons, Madrid, 2020, 224 pp. [REVIEW]M. -Soledad Paladino - 2021 - Anuario Filosófico 54 (2):387-390.
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    Alfredo Ferrarin, Hegel and Aristotle. [REVIEW]J. M. Fritzman - 2002 - Philosophical Inquiry 24 (3-4):131-132.
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    Alfredo P. Co. Across the ancient philosophical world: Essays in comparative philosophy. [REVIEW]Joseph Martin M. Jose - 2017 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 18 (2):253-257.
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    Nuevos aportes (históricos Y filosóficos) Par? La fürtuna de Vico en el siglg XIX espanol.Jose M. Sevilla - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:217.
    En su anterior estudio sobre la recepción de Vico en el s. XIX español, el autor analizó los casos de importantes intelectuales como Juan Donoso Cortés, Jaime Luciano Balmes, Juan Valera, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Alfredo Adolfo Camus y Nicolás Serrano. Con ello se cumplió parte del plan de desmontar la tesis frecuentemente aceptada de una "ausencia" de Vico en España. Este plan se viene a desarrollar ahora con una nueva aportación investigadora en la que el autor muestra y analiza (...)
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    Socialist Thought. [REVIEW]L. M. W. - 1964 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (1):188-189.
    Described as a "documentary history," this anthology begins with Morelly, Rousseau and Babeuf, ends with the contemporary C. A. R. Crosland, and includes writings by twenty-seven other persons and groups in between. The editors display a genius for choosing terse, classical statements of the various positions, while still not excessively reproducing texts, such as some standard Marxian writings, which are easily available elsewhere. There is a superbly documented theme: the inadequacy of any succinct definition of socialism.—W. L. M.
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    Early Foundations of Mexican Herpetology. An Annotated and Indexed Bibliography of the Herpetological Publications of Alfredo Dugès, 1826-1910Hobart M. Smith Rozella B. Smith. [REVIEW]Thomas Glick - 1970 - Isis 61 (4):551-552.
  35. The Formats of Cognitive Representation: A Computational Account.Dimitri Coelho Mollo & Alfredo Vernazzani - 2023 - Philosophy of Science (3):682-701.
    Cognitive representations are typically analysed in terms of content, vehicle and format. While current work on formats appeals to intuitions about external representations, such as words and maps, in this paper we develop a computational view of formats that does not rely on intuitions. In our view, formats are individuated by the computational profiles of vehicles, i.e., the set of constraints that fix the computational transformations vehicles can undergo. The resulting picture is strongly pluralistic, it makes space for a variety (...)
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  36.  52
    Business Versus Ethics? Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics.M. Tina Dacin, Jeffrey S. Harrison, David Hess, Sheila Killian & Julia Roloff - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (3):863-877.
    To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics, the editors in chief of the journal have invited the editors to provide commentaries on the future of business ethics. This essay comprises a selection of commentaries aimed at creating dialogue around the theme Business versus Ethics?. The authors of these commentaries seek to transcend the age-old separation fallacy :409–421, 1994) that juxtaposes business and ethics/society, posing a forced choice or trade off. Providing a contemporary take on (...)
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    The Enlightement of Matter-the Definition of Chemistry from Agricola to Lavoisier-Beretta, M.M. P. Crosland - 1995 - Annals of Science 52 (1):94-95.
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  38. Robea M brown, Jay J Janney, Karen Paul. An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Change in Corporate Social Performance and Financial Performance: A Stakeholder Theory Perspective.Bernadette M. Ruf & Krishnarnurty Muralidhar - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (2).
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  39. Slavery in Africa: Archaeology and Memory.González-Ruibal Alfredo - 2011
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  40. Letters From Elizabeth Williams to Anne Mowbray; or, Justice to Ourselves and Others, the Consequence of True Piety [Signed M- R-].R. M. & Elizabeth Williams - 1829
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  41. Ibn-i Miskavayah kā falsafah-yi ak̲h̲lāq aur uskā Imām al-Ghazzālī aur Davvānī par as̲ar.Jāved Iqbāl Nadīm - 1993 - Lāhaur: Vikṭarī Buk Bank.
    On behaviour as interpreted in the philosophy of Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Miskawayh, d. 1030.
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  42. L'homme et la conscience dans l'anthropologie culturelle de M. Landmann.M. Holubova - 1989 - Filozofia 44 (2):183-193.
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    Evaluación de satisfacción a los estudiantes sobre el uso del software Microsoft Teams.Mateo Sarauz, Jorge Shuguli, David Vaca & Rita Villafuerte - 2020 - Minerva 1 (2):13-18.
    El uso de las Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación ha permitido introducir mejoras en la forma como se desarrollan los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, así como los procesos propios a la gestión y administración de las actividades académicas. Sin embargo, el índice de adopción de estas herramientas es reducido en cobertura y en profundidad. No obstante, para el uso de la herramienta Teams hay que detallar las ventajas y desventajas encontradas y finalizar con conclusiones en base a (...)
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    New humanism and democratic politics: a study of M. N. Roy's theory of the state.M. Shiviah - 1977 - Bombay: Popular Prakashan.
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    Prof. Prof. M. B. Mitin, of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., on behalf of philosophers from abroad.M. B. Mitin - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 12:523-525.
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    Tahdīm al-arkān min laysa fī al-imkān abdaʻ mimmā kān: wa-yalīhi Tathbīt qawāʻid al-arkān bi-an laysa fī al-imkān abdaʻ mimmā kān, wa-huwa min awthaq al-masāʻī fī al-radd ʻalá al-Biqāʻī.Ibrāhīm ibn ʻUmar Biqāʻī - 2019 - Bayrūt: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah.
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  47. Tsilimbaris M. k., A corneal flap technique for LASIK.I. G. Pallikaris, M. E. Papatzanaki & D. S. Siganos - 1991 - Human Studies. Arch Ophthalmol 109:227-243.
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    Matters of Conscience: Conversations with Sterling M. McMurrin on Philosophy, Education, and Religion.Sterling M. McMurrin & L. Jackson Newell - 1996
    For more than fifty years, Sterling M. McMurrin served as one of the preeminent intellectual voices of the LDS community. From his beginnings as an Institute of Religion instructor to U.S. Commissioner of Education, and from a professor of philosophy to U.S. Envoy to Iran, he showed by example how personal and institutional morality can be defended.In a series of candid discussions with Jack Newell, McMurrin reveals his ability to reconcile freedom and conscience. In a spirit of repartee and friendship, (...)
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    Love as a Commitment Device.Marta Kowal, Adam Bode, Karolina Koszałkowska, S. Craig Roberts, Biljana Gjoneska, David Frederick, Anna Studzinska, Dmitrii Dubrov, Dmitry Grigoryev, Toivo Aavik, Pavol Prokop, Caterina Grano, Hakan Çetinkaya, Derya Atamtürk Duyar, Roberto Baiocco, Carlota Batres, Yakhlef Belkacem, Merve Boğa, Nana Burduli, Ali R. Can, Razieh Chegeni, William J. Chopik, Yahya Don, Seda Dural, Izzet Duyar, Edgardo Etchezahar, Feten Fekih-Romdhane, Tomasz Frackowiak, Felipe E. García, Talia Gomez Yepes, Farida Guemaz, Brahim B. Hamdaoui, Mehmet Koyuncu, Miguel Landa-Blanco, Samuel Lins, Tiago Marot, Marlon Mayorga-Lascano, Moises Mebarak, Mara Morelli, Izuchukwu L. G. Ndukaihe, Mohd Sofian Omar Fauzee, Ma Criselda Tengco Pacquing, Miriam Parise, Farid Pazhoohi, Ekaterine Pirtskhalava, Koen Ponnet, Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Marc Eric Santos Reyes, Ayşegül Şahin, Fatima Zahra Sahli, Oksana Senyk, Ognen Spasovski, Singha Tulyakul, Joaquín Ungaretti, Mona Vintila, Tatiana Volkodav, Anna Wlodarczyk & Gyesook Yoo - forthcoming - Human Nature:1-21.
    Given the ubiquitous nature of love, numerous theories have been proposed to explain its existence. One such theory refers to love as a commitment device, suggesting that romantic love evolved to foster commitment between partners and enhance their reproductive success. In the present study, we investigated this hypothesis using a large-scale sample of 86,310 individual responses collected across 90 countries. If romantic love is universally perceived as a force that fosters commitment between long-term partners, we expected that individuals likely to (...)
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  50. M. Abad Varieties of Three-valued.A. M. Suardiaz A. Quantifier - forthcoming - Studia Logica.
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